In years past, it was this feature that stood out in the Linux world. If you are using multiple monitors, repeat these steps to set the scaling settings for each monitor. But it sounds like you want the workspaces to come one to a screen which, afaik, cannot be done. To restart your WorkSpace session, either choose Reconnect on the WorkSpaces client login page, or log in again. You could assign to hotkey script that will be doing 2 things: changing monitor outputs with xrandr and moving workspaces with i3-msg: xrandr --output DP2 --auto --right-of eDP1 i3-msg "workspace 6, move workspace to output DP2" ... i3-msg "workspace 10, move workspace to output DP2" Single Display: only one display is configured, effectively turning off the other one. Xorg-style dual head gives you four normal-size workspaces per screen. if they're not, go to the previous step and switch them around in the server layout. Found this on the Ubuntu Forums in a thread titled: gnome panels on two monitors. Most "power users" that have dual monitors or more, one with solitaire open, think that they are "important" and want to show it. restart x! Hi all. excerpt. Join Displays: screen edges are joined so things can pass from one display to another. For instance, an external monitor connected to a docked laptop with the lid closed would be the single configured display. So the only way is to change i3 config dynamically. System: Ubuntu Mate 16.04.1 LTS MATE Desktop Environment 1.12.1 One of the nice features about Ubuntu MATE is the use of multiple desktops or workspaces. A lot of Linux distributions are now hiding or turning this feature off by default, but not Ubuntu … Can anyone point me out to the right tutorial to get this set up. I have ThinkPad X230 hooked up to external monitor. I would like to use both of them to their full potential. Thus, two screens in twinview provides you with four big workspaces, each one spanning both screens. Mirror: the same content is shown on two displays, with the same resolution and orientation for both. That functionality is now built into most operating systems, at least double monitor support if your hardware supports it. Is it possible to change workspaces independently on both screens? (in ubuntu just hit control-alt-backspace) if it works, you'll have a desktop across all (or most) monitors. Amazon WorkSpaces supports Full High Definition on four monitors, and 4K Ultra HD on up to two monitors, on Value, Standard, Performance, and Power bundles. Note Multiple monitors aren't currently supported on Linux WorkSpaces using the WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol (WSP). I have a Dell 14.1 inch widescreen laptop with nvidia graphics card and a 15 inch tft monitor. The WorkSpaces client applications for Windows, macOS, and Linux support multiple monitors and the use of high DPI monitors. I believe what you want is the following: You have to right click the panels on Monitor #1 and choose "New Panel" Then hold Alt and click and drag the new panel to Monitor #2. I recently tried Ubuntu and the KDE or is that GNU interface has native workspace switching. move the mouse across each to make sure they're in the right order! What I want is to set it up as dual monitor display such that I have two workspaces with one workspace on each display. Unfortunately I noticed that if I change workspace on external monitor then the same happens on laptop screen. Multiple desktops in Linux are also referred to as Virtual desktops. Amazon WorkSpaces also now supports 4K Ultra HD resolution on up to two monitors, which lets you see more information on each screen and in greater detail. I am sorry if this has been already discussed but I am a newbie to ubuntu and these forums.
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